4 Things You Should Do Every Day To Increase Facebook Engagement With Your Brand

No matter what type of target audience you have, there’ll be many of them using Facebook each and every day.

Facebook is still the world’s largest social media platform. And the most well-known. So your target market will be lurking there, ready to be engaged. No matter what type of target audience you have, there’ll be many of them using Facebook each and every day.

But this engagement doesn’t have to cost you much precious time. As noted by BuzzSumo, you can actually do this quite quickly.

Here are four things you should do every day to increase your brand’s engagement over Facebook:

1. Determine the best time to engage

Facebook analyser tools are a great way to find out when you – and your competitors – get the best results. Something posted at 7am may perform very differently to something posted at 7pm, depending on who your target audience is.

When you discover the time at which peak engagement happens, you can much more readily send out posts at that time:

if you don’t post at optimal times on social media platforms like Facebook, your engagement will suffer tremendously. Your market either sees them, or they don’t.

2. Track what type of content works best

Again, you can use these analyser tools to find out what type of content your target audience likes. You might think you know the type of content that they like, but until you actually measure it, what you’re doing is at best an educated guess.

Analyser tools can give you this information in very simple terms.

When you know what your audience responds well to, you have a much better idea of what to offer them next time.

3. Schedule your posts for the week

There are many tools online, such as Buffer, which allow you to schedule your posts.

Let’s say you’ve discovered when your audience responds best to posts at 11pm on a Thursday, but the office isn’t open during at that time. You can use a tool like Buffer to schedule these posts in advance. With a tool like Buffer, you can choose the release time and date of each post you create.

If these schedules work, you can then pre-set them for future weeks.

This also saves you time and gives you more flexibility – you don’t have to be perpetually pressing ‘send’ when a tool can do it for you.

4. Audit your company’s Facebook strategy

If you audit what works and what doesn’t, you can adapt your strategy in the future:

[a] simple task can be looking back at your past week or month of Facebook posts. Which ones earned the most engagement?
Which ones fell flat?

Again, analyser tools can do this quickly and simply, allowing you to adapt your plans as you grow as a brand.

Analyser tools can help you see when there is engagement, the type of content that engagement relates to, and how much interaction each post has had.

So there you have it! Four simple, quick things you can do every day to increase your brand’s engagement on Facebook.