5 ways to improve your FB ad hook

People have been inundated with advertisements for generations now. 

Facebook is one of the newer forms, but standing out there can still be quite the hill to climb due to the walls many consumers have built up over the course of their life to battle old-school advertising tactics.

Don’t worry, there’s still many ways to stand out.

1. Blur your intro

Going to start out with a somewhat strange one, but it makes a lot of sense if you think about it.

When a user sees a video advertisement on Facebook, even if just scrolling, there’s a temporary blur while the video buffers. 

If you take advantage of this platform issue, you will stand out via having some amount of self-awareness on your ad. It will also just look visually better.

People respond to this, advertisers who actually pay attention to the medium they’re using are a positive to potential costumers.

2. Make your message clear visually

Your sound is something only certain users will experience on your advertisement.

I know, you spent a lot of time on your sound design and music. But, the unfortunate truth is about 85% of Facebook users scroll without their sound on.

Keep this in mind when you’re designing your video ad, treat sound as a bonus for those who really engage with your posts.

3. Don’t bury the lead

Present whatever you’re offering right up front.

You want potential customers to be attracted in by whatever you’re selling. If it requires effort to see the benefits of your product, then you’ll miss out on a lot of users.

4. Try to be authentic to the platform

That aforementioned wall that users have built up can smell a company shilling out a product a mile away.

Show your self-awareness, you’re not on television. Don’t over produce. Selfies and vlogs are how people engage on Facebook with video.

You should do it too.

This shows users that you’re trying to engage, and you will feel more real this way.

5. Short and sweet is key

This isn’t to say that a Facebook user’s attention span is short, but it’s more due to how people interact within the medium.

You don’t want someone to engage with you and then immediately be turned off by some lengthy background informational.

No one cares yet, that’s what your Facebook groups are for. 

Let them know what they’re here for in under 10 seconds for best results.