Consumers are 35x More Likely to Open Messages Vs Emails

Messaging doesn’t have the same kind of stigma that emails do. There’s a certain amount of excitement when receiving a new text or message that is completely tapped out of cold emails.

This idea has recently been affirmed via a new report by Sinch.

Over 2,000 consumers studied for engagement

  • They were 35x more likely to look at a message over an email.
  • 40% of consumers have over 50 unread emails sitting in their inbox.
  • 1 in 10 have over 1,000 unread emails.
  • Only 4% have 50 or above unread messages.

The take away from this is that there is massive opportunity in quality message advertising. However, there a few stipulations to this that need to be considered.

Consumers want more functionality not promotions

  • 70% of banking customers want mobile alerts for possible fraudulent activities.

Only 35% currently receive these. 

  • Messages about changes in travel information are also useful 

Yet, only 40% of consumers who responded have gotten these.

  • Many also want confirmations of services and appointments

Here too, the amount of people actually receiving these are quite low.

  • There’s little room for promotion

This was the only listing on the survey that had little wiggle room. Consumers want things to be easier after they purchase things, but they don’t want to hear about more things they can buy.

Offering better services with an online message will win you consumer cred, while spamming their messages with coupons and deals will have the opposite effect.

Take advantage of this and keep your customers closer to you with useful messaging.