The Green Revolution: How to Appeal to Eco-Conscious Customers on YouTube

With climate change constantly in the news, consumers are caring more and more about the environmental impact of the products they buy. 

A 2017 study by Cone Communications showed that 68% of millennials bought a product with an environmental or social benefit in the past year. It also revealed that 88% of consumers feel more loyal toward companies that support social and environmental causes. 

This trend towards eco-consciousness is also bearing out on social channels like YouTube. According to Think With Google, green videos like sustainable hauls, clean beauty tutorials, and houseplant tours are becoming much more popular on the platform. 

If you want to connect with socially conscious buyers on YouTube, then you should consider shifting your video marketing strategy. Here are the 3 types of videos that appeal to green-minded buyers the most. 

3 Types of videos that appeal to green-minded buyers

1. Sustainable fashion videos

Consumers are increasingly ditching fast fashion for more sustainable options, such as secondhand clothing and ethical fashion brands.

In 2018, there was a 190% increase in hauls with the word “sustainable” in the name on YouTube, and people are actually watching them. There was a huge 13X increase in views on those kinds of videos, which shows that interest in sustainable fashion is growing fast.

Part of this move toward sustainability is that buyers are keen to know where and how their clothes are made. They don’t just want you to tell them that your brand is sustainable and ethical — they want you to show them.

Even if you’re not in the fashion space, you can still hop on this trend by producing content that tells the story behind your products or company. Bring your customers behind-the-scenes and give them a look at the production process, or make a company culture video that reveals your core values.

2. Clean beauty tutorials

Beauty lovers are also interested in knowing how their favorite products are made. They’re more concerned with what types of ingredients go into the lotions, powders, and creams they use every day and want to make sure they’re safe.

This presents a real opportunity for beauty brands who make products with clean, ethically sourced ingredients. If you can highlight the benefits of your products through tutorials and educational videos, you’re sure to win over buyers.

This trend toward clean beauty videos demonstrates that consumers want cleaner, safer products for themselves and their families. Whether or not you’re in the beauty space, that’s something to keep in mind when making videos about your products.

3. Sustainable living and minimalism videos

Consumers don’t just want to look good — they want to feel good too. And part of that is living a more intentional, sustainable lifestyle with less clutter and junk that they don’t really need. 

The popularity of Tidying Up, a show that helps people get rid of clutter and belongings they don’t really love, is evidence of this trend. 

So is the increase in videos related to minimalism on YouTube. People are more interested in watching videos about zero-waste products, capsule wardrobes, and nomadic lifestyles. 

Many buyers don’t want cheap, disposable products that damage the environment. They want to buy high-quality goods that they can use for years to come, and are willing to pay a premium for products that match their values and standards. 

Consumers want to know why your product is worth investing in and how it fits into their increasingly minimalist lifestyles. If you can show them that your product is a cut above the rest, you’ll win over even the most discerning, eco-conscious buyers.