Issue 49: Start-up ideas, Customer avatars and Celeb-led booze brands

If you’ve done any kind of marketing training in the last 10 years, you’ll have heard of avatars.

They’re step zero to creating any campaign – yet there’s still a boat-load of confusion on how to actually create one. This week, Vicky Monroe comes to the rescue and uncovers the top 10 questions to answer when creating your perfect customer avatar.

Course, once you have your avatar all mapped out, you’ll find things like creating email campaigns a doddle. Talking of which Paul McDougal delves into the world of B2B email marketing and discusses the main differences between B2B and B2C email campaigns.

With just a few short weeks to go until we welcome another new year, we predict the top 8 consumer trends that we think will shape the first year of the new decade.

Will this be the year you come up with your million-pound idea? Maybe you can take some inspiration from the top 8 businesses ideas that we wish we’d had in 2019. Oh, and you’ve probably never heard of any of them…

Our usual news team round up the week’s stories and look at whether smart TV apps will ever take off, Pinterest’s foray into the eCommerce arena, and the 9 celebrities who make money from alcohol brands.

Talking of which, it’s midday on a Thursday in December – I might treat myself to a hot wine from the Christmas Markets to celebrate getting yet another issue out the door on time.

Don Draper would be proud.