Issue 57: What is BERT, Why Adwords experts lie and how Amazon can win this year

As we finally enter February, we can safely expect to see conversions bounce back to normal levels. Even though the first month of Q1 is always expected to yield poor results, it still leaves some marketers needing a hug.

So this week we look to the future.

Paul McDougal takes a look at what Google’s BERT actually means for us marketers. Interestingly, it’s yet another nail in the coffin for SEO strategies that rely on keywords rather than great content.

As Amazon continues its retail dominance, and puts more cash in their pockets, we look at all the ways we expect the giant to win this year. HINT: It’s not only about shoppers!

Whilst it’s true that the use of Ad Blockers is up for the second year running, Louise Patterson looks at the real story behind this. Is it the end of advertising as predicted, or is it actually more of a nuisance for media buyers?

It seems logical to want a 100% optimisation score on your Google Adwords accounts, but this might not be true.

Vicky Monroe delves into the reasons why in our Adwords Optimisation special this week.

By the way, is anyone else missing the sun? Summer seems a long way off…

Anyway, that’s all for now. Talk in 7 days as usual.