Issue 53: THAT FB leak, Insta Influencers & Livechat help

issue 53

We’re less than 9 days into 2020, and already Mark Zuckerberg’s dominating the news!

As we predicted last year, Paul McDougal reports on the news that Facebook is removing like counts, and he asks,”Will this affect my business?”.

Meanwhile, someone sneaky has leaked

Issue 52: Google Tag Manager, worst FB headlines and Pop-ups

issue 52

Happy New Year!

It’s only the 2nd, and I’ve already failed at Dry January. Hope you’re doing better with your resolutions.

Talking of resolutions, Zuck’s list includes hiding like counts from Instagram and Facebook. At first, this seems like a terrible idea, but Paul McDougal digs into it in more depth and draws some surprising conclusions.

Issue 51: Xmas, Adwords predictions and live-stream hacks

issue 51

Happy Christmas!

How was your turkey? Dry AF? Us too.

Even though I’m actually writing this on the 23rd December (thanks WordPress auto-scheduler!), I’m still willing to bet big money that my turkey is highly disappointing.

Anyway, as is traditional around Christmas week, we’ve got a skinny version of the magazine for